In all 3 EBBs declared by the GoI, Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas were set up, with a vision to provide education to the dropped out girls belonging to SC, ST, OBC and Minority community residing in Educationally Backward Blocks of Darrang district . In order to achieve objective of equity at elementary and secondary education upto the age of 16 , Model II KGBVs were set-up in the district of Darrang . KGBVs were set up in Educationally Backward Blocks , where as per decadal Census Data , the rural female literacy rate was below the national average and gender gap in literacy was more than the national average. The schools include classes from VI to X.
The district has 3 KGBVs and all these are of Model II,
The curriculum approved by State Education Department is followed in the schools. The endeavor is being put forward to facilitate quality education to all the students. The teachers engaged in the schools are provided training on the issues like Pedagogy, School Management, Life Skills, ICT, MHM etc.
The quality of a school depends upon the quality of evaluation. Education as a whole is not only concerned with mastering bits of knowledge in certain subjects, but it is also concerned with the development of desired interests, habits, attitudes and personal qualities. The CCE is introduced in the KGBVs. The students with poor performance are identified by the concerned subject teachers and special remedial classes are conducted for them to overcome their weak learning areas.