The civil works component plays the most vital role to create advantageous physical environment for learning in a School. The children are come to school particularly in educationally backward and hard to reach areas attracting the good infrastructure of school and also helps in their retention in accordance with the vision of RTE act.
The task of this component is mainly to provide infrastructure facility as per provision mentioned in the RTE Act-2009. Civil Works activities are executed in such a way that, it should not only be sound, durable & economical but also acceptable to the community. Accordingly the plans and drawings have been prepared in accordance with the relevant I.S. code of practices and APWD General Specifications current in the State. Earthquake resilience analysis with due consideration to Seismic Zone-V and cyclone resistant as per provisions as in National Building Code are considered to ensure that the constructions are structurally safe and at the same time child friendly for which the technical staff are rendering maximum emphasis on this. Basically it is not possible to prepare school specific design due to the different soil condition and different level of ground etc. Therefore if model design is not fit for a particular site then site specific plan & design is required to be allowed for execution after proper verification and approval of competent authority.
To motivate for enrollment and attendance of the child in School regularly, the building environment of school should be attractive and comfortable. Provisions are also made for barrier free environment enabling to access to the disabled children to the School easily and to negotiate their way around the School. The schedule of RTE act lays down the norms & standards for a School building. A School building has to be an all weather building comprising of at least one classroom for each teacher & an office cum store cum head teacher room, barrier free access, toilets, safe & adequate drinking water for all children, arrangement for securing the School building with boundary wall, Mid Day Meal Kitchen & Store, Play ground, equipment for Sports and Games, Library & Teaching learning materials. Augmentation of infrastructure of existing School requires providing minimum facility to the children and School wise gap of infrastructure is identified from the DISE survey.
After proper Verification at field through our in-house Engineers, gap is identified. Accordingly, the plan is prepared by the district considering the requirements of activities as per RTE Act. During the preparatory stage it was kept in mind that there should be available land for each and every proposal to undertake the civil works activities.
During preparation of plan it is considered to check the convergence of different activities like Addl. Class Room, toilet block and water facility with MSDP, PHED, GOA, PSUs, Corporate etc. for avoiding duplication of activities.
The drawing & estimate for proposed activities are prepared as per Schedule of Rates of Assam PWD (Building) current in the state with vetting by the State PWD. The notification against the unit cost is also issued by the Govt. of Assam.
Aim and objective of SSA is to involve active participation of the community of the locality for execution of school buildings & other civil works activities and maintenance of the same. Accordingly, a School Managing Committee is constituted for each school and approved by the Govt. of Assam which are executing the civil works with technical support from the technical persons of district and block as executing officers since inception of SSA.